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Facebook’s Libra marches ahead, logs 34 projects since testnet launch in September

Thu, 21 Nov 2019, 07:56 am UTC

Facebook’s cryptocurrency project Libra has logged more than 30 projects and over 51,000 transactions on the Libra testnet in the last two months.

It has already been five months since the social media giant officially unveiled its crypto project on June 18 and two months since the launch of the testnet.

In a press release dated November 15, the Libra Association, which governs the Libra project, said that 10 wallets, 11 blockchain explorers, 2 IDEs, 1 API, and 11 clients have been actively involved in the development of the Libra network.

Last month, the Libra Association charter was signed by 21 members in Geneva. The association said that it is inviting community participation for its efforts geared towards the launch of the mainnet. It is encouraging developers to test Libra network functionality by launching and continuously improving testnet.

“Until we launch mainnet, the best and fastest way we have to demonstrate Libra network functionality and provide early access to developers around the world is through our pre-mainnet. Pre-mainnet makes it easier and faster to test, troubleshoot, diagnose, and resolve software edge cases,” it said.

As per the details, the pre-mainnet currently has 7 deployed nodes, 6 in-process nodes, and 8 in-process nodes without a technical team.

“For those organizations without a technical team to implement a node, the Libra Association is working on a strategy to support deployment in 2020, when the Libra Core feature set is complete,” the association said. “The Libra Association intends to deploy 100 nodes on the mainnet, representing a mix of on-premises and cloud-hosted infrastructure.”

It further said that it will provide tools to Libra developers to support them in their work. This includes providing guides, documentation, and content for blockchain, smart contract, and wallet/client developers, among others.

The Libra Association said that it also wants to make it easier and faster to submit code and documentation to the Libra project and will be launching a new, streamlined process for completing Contributor License Agreements (CLAs) on Nov. 26. In addition, it also plans to launch a Technical Steering Committee (TSC) in the coming months, which will oversee and coordinate the technical design and development of the Libra network on behalf of the Libra Association members.

Meanwhile, the leadership at Facebook and Libra including Mark Zuckerberg and David Marcus are hard at work to convince the regulators to give a go-ahead to their project. Last month, Zuckerberg testified before the Congress, which followed similar Congressional hearings in July in which Marcus attempted to defend the project. Both Marcus and Zuckerberg have maintained the stance that Libra would not be launched until they obtain all the required regulatory approvals.

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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