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Former FinCEN, DOJ officer Michael Mosier joins blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis

Thu, 27 Jun 2019, 06:25 am UTC

Blockchain analytics company Chainalysis has appointed Michael Mosier, a former official from the United States Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and Department of Justice (DOJ), as its Chief Technical Counsel.

According to its press release, Mosier will bring in his legal expertise to Chainalysis products including data privacy and global anti-money laundering, sanctions, policies, and government issues.

Mosier will work closely with Jesse Spiro, the Global Head of Policy who recently joined the firm from Refinitiv, and Kristofer Doucette, Vice President of Government Affairs who used to work for the U.S. Department of the Treasury in financial intelligence.

Having worked across emerging technology, financial integrity, and data privacy matters, the opportunity to bring technical-legal solutions to market to help advance Chainalysis's mission to build trust in blockchains and help our customers meet their regulatory obligations is the perfect intersection at a seminal moment for all of those areas,” Mosier said.

The blockchain industry has been on a hiring spree lately. Binance recently announced that it has hired Gin Chao, the former strategy executive of Dell and the National Basketball Association, as its global strategy officer. Venture capital firm Blockchain Capital also onboarded Facebook veteran and crypto entrepreneur Ben Davenport as its venture partner.

R3’s former Director of Market Research Tim Swanson is also joining UK-based blockchain builder Clearmatics as head of market intelligence. Additionally, Bakkt reportedly hired Chris Peterson, a former consultant for Google to help make the rollout of Bakkt Pay smoother.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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