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China rolls out blockchain-based identification system for smart cities

Mon, 04 Nov 2019, 09:12 am UTC

The recent endorsement of blockchain technology by Chinese President Xi Jinping has unlocked an aggressive push to adopt the technology in multiple industries in the country. From countering tax evasion to digital payments, China is upping its blockchain game to streamline various processes.

On the heels of Jinping’s comments, the country has launched a blockchain-based identification system as part of the smart city infrastructure, Global Times reported citing state-run Xinhua News Agency.

"The system will be independently distributed and managed by China, with a unified distribution rule, a resolution of distributed storage and tamper-resistant code," said Zhang Chao, director of the Zhongguancun Industry & Information Research Institute of Two-dimensional Code Technology, one of the developers of the system.

The blockchain-based system has been jointly launched by three institutes in Shijiazhuang, North China's Hebei Province. Since Sunday, Nov. 03, cities across China have been able to apply for their own city identification code, which will facilitate connectivity and data sharing between cities.

As per the report, the smart city code system will assign unique, global digital identification to cities. It is based on node code in line with international standards.

"There was no unified code for industries and departments in today's rapid development of the internet and emerging information technology, causing problems of data interoperability and application incompatibility," noted He Kejia, Vice President of the China Research Society of Urban Development.

Recent reports suggested that the Guangzhou government will be funding blockchain-related initiatives, particularly federated chain projects and “no-coin” public chains.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.