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Renowned Market Oracle Jim Rogers Warns of Impending Shift Away from US Dollar

Mon, 22 May 2023, 02:11 am UTC

Global Financial Expert Foresees the End of the Dollar's Reign as the Dominant Global Currency


In the ever-shifting landscape of global finance, distinguished market oracle Jim Rogers has sounded an ominous note on the future of the US Dollar. Co-creator of the renowned Quantum Fund with financial heavyweight George Soros, Rogers offers a sobering analysis: the world prepares for life after the U.S. dollar's reign as the dominant global currency.

Rogers suggests that the relentless quest of nations worldwide to identify a viable alternative to the U.S. dollar signals an impending, inevitable shift in the financial order. In his view, it's not a question of 'if' this shift will occur, but 'when', as historical trends have proven unerringly cyclical.

In an interview circulated by Sputnik, Rogers explored his reasoning behind the belief that the U.S. dollar is nearing the end of its term as the world's primary reserve currency. Chief among his arguments is the unsettling reality of the U.S.' standing as the world's most indebted nation.

According to Rogers, an increasing number of financial observers and stakeholders are growing wary of the inherent risks in transacting with a currency that seems to be on the brink of instability. This viewpoint echoes the current U.S. grappling with a mounting debt crisis, which may see the country default on its obligations as early as June. There's growing concern among experts that such a default could set off a domino effect, potentially precipitating a global financial meltdown.

While Rogers acknowledges having missed the early Bitcoin train, his faith in digital currencies doesn't extend to those under government control. Despite wishing he had jumped on the Bitcoin bandwagon when it was still in its infancy, he remains dubious about the long-term viability of state-regulated digital currencies.

He suggests a brighter future for decentralized digital currencies, at odds with the concept of government-led digital currencies. In his opinion, governments have an inherent dislike for competition and a preference for monopolizing financial systems. This view dovetails with his prediction of the US Dollar's decline and his skepticism about government-regulated digital currencies, indicating his belief that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) may undermine the core principles of cryptocurrencies and help perpetuate financial monopolies.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.