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Binance seeks to encourage blockchain innovation via new developer-focused initiative ‘Binance X’

Thu, 29 Aug 2019, 12:10 pm UTC

Leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced a new developer-focused initiative that aims to encourage blockchain innovation, CryptoNewsZ reported.

Called Binance X, the initiative will aim to educate, engage and empower developers to improve or build projects on Binance platform including the Binance Chain, APIs, Trust Wallet Core SDK, and Binance Charity donation platform.

“Binance X is an initiative to foster innovation on the Binance platform and the general ecosystem at large,” the description the official LinkedIn page reads.

The objective is to help developers leverage Binance infrastructure for their ideas and projects. In addition to facilitating learning and collaboration, Binance X will support developers by connecting them with relevant Binance’s programs, such as Binance X Fellowship, Binance Labs Incubation, Binance Launchpad, and others, which have been designed to help projects achieve growth at different stages of maturity.

“As Binance has evolved into a platform with multiple products and services, we believe it is the right time to systematically foster a developer ecosystem to build innovative products and services on our platform,” said Teck Chia, Head of Binance X. “The Binance X team will help educate, create opportunities for collaborations and jumpstart growth of these projects via the different programs and resources we have at Binance.”

Binance X has already designed various resources and programs to support the developer community at different stages. This includes providing them with links to all official developer resources from every product on the Binance platform, a Fellowship Program to support top developers and researchers to build open-source software in crypto, and a Binance X Evangelist Program that will hire volunteer evangelists to run local and college meetups, reading groups, workshops, and hackathons.

More than 40 projects have already joined as Binance X Fellows, including Hammad Tariq of GoBNB, JP Thorbjornsen of BEPTools, Nikita Kozlov and Alexandr Safonov of BrowserBNB, Austin Griffith of Burner Wallet, Patrick McCorry of PISA, Jeremy Rubin of Bitcoin’s OP_SECURETHEBAG, and James Prestwich of Summa.

Flora sun, Director at Binance Labs, has been appointed as the Director of Binance X, according to Sun’s LinkedIn profile.

Earlier this month, Binance announced an open blockchain project, called "Venus," with the objective of developing localized stablecoins and digital assets pegged to fiat currencies across the globe. Just recently, Binance announced the launch of “Binance Lending,” a new service which will allow users to use the crypto they hold on their account for lending.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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