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URL copied. ends relationship with Forbes CryptoMarkets portal

Thu, 22 Aug 2019, 07:18 am UTC, a Swiss blockchain company, is ending its relationship with Forbes CryptoMarkets, a data-driven portal offering comprehensive tracking of cryptocurrencies.

Last October, leading business magazine Forbes Media, in partnership with NewCity Capital and, launched Forbes CryptoMarkets in beta.

In an online post dated August 21, said that it has decided not to renew its licensing agreement with Forbes Media, which will effectively end its involvement in Forbes CryptoMarkets.

“This decision was not taken lightly, and was made with the clients and token holders in mind. We simply felt our time and resources were better spent on marketing, the exchange and TIO Markets,” it added.

Speaking to Finance Magnates last year, CEO Jim Preissler had said that the collaboration was actually an equity partnership where held a financial stake in “the success of Forbes CryptoMarkets.” He added that a portion of the revenue earned from the deal would go to’s liquidity pool.

At the time of beta launch, the companies had said that Forbes CryptoMarkets will offer real-time pricing and volume information on several cryptocurrencies; insights and information on worldwide cryptocurrency exchanges; cryptocurrency indices; and a real-time newsfeed aggregating content from leading news organizations and companies, including content from Forbes’ family of sites worldwide.

The official website of Forbes CryptoMarkets currently displays the message:

“Our beta launch has concluded…We are in the process of developing new cryptocurrency data and information offerings.”

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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