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Team Behind Bitcoin Ordinals Focuses on New NFT Development, Guided by Influential Crypto Personalities

Fri, 04 Aug 2023, 16:48 pm UTC

The California-based Open Ordinals Institute, dedicated to supporting NFTs on Bitcoin's blockchain, has launched with a strong team, including the influential Casey Rodarmor.

The Golden State has become a new hub for cryptocurrency innovation. The Open Ordinals Institute, headquartered in California, has its sights set on fostering the Bitcoin Ordinals protocol's development.

Guided by influential personalities within the cryptocurrency industry, the Open Ordinals Institute is more than a fledgling organization. Its board consists of four key members, including the project's enigmatic lead maintainer, Raph, along with the well-known podcast host Erin Redwing, an unnamed developer referred to as Ordinally, and the creator of Ordinals, Casey Rodarmor.

Rodarmor, who launched the Ordinals protocol earlier this year, quickly gained traction in the digital space. As NFTs and Bitcoin-based cryptocurrencies were inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain, the protocol gained popularity, solidifying its place among the crypto trends.

With growth and success came change. On May 28, Rodarmor relinquished the role of lead maintainer to Raph, an event that marked a significant turning point for the project. Along with this change came the unveiling of the organization's official website, This platform serves as the gateway for users to make donations, keep track of the project's advancements, and be part of a growing community.

What makes the Open Ordinals Institute stand out is its commitment to providing financial support to the core developers who fuel the project's growth. Moreover, potential donors have an extra incentive; the organization has announced that contributions made will be tax-deductible for U.S. taxpayers. The expectation is that the Internal Revenue Service will grant this status later in the year.

The future looks promising for the Open Ordinals Institute. It has laid a solid foundation, nurtured by a team with diverse expertise and a common vision. Together, they aim to unlock new potentials in the world of digital assets, shaping a future where Bitcoin and NFTs continue to thrive.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.