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PwC blockchain expert Roman Schnider joins Tezos Foundation as new CFO and Head of Operations

Thu, 13 Jun 2019, 02:52 am UTC

Roman Schnider, the man who launched PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Switzerland’s blockchain and cryptocurrency assurance division, will join Tezos Foundation as its new chief financial officer, replacing Eelco Fiole, effective in an undisclosed date this summer.

According to Tezos’ press release, Schnider, who is leaving the Big Four company after 15 years of service, is already familiar with the organization since it was the first large-scale blockchain organization to have PwC audit its finance and business operations.

Roman’s experience makes him the ideal finance and operations specialist for our team,” the announcement stated. “He is already familiar with the opportunities and challenges blockchain projects face and has a deep understanding of the Tezos Foundation from his time at PwC Switzerland.”

The Zug-based firm did not specify the reason for the departure of Fiole who recently joined Tezos just five months ago. But Tezos President Ryan Jesperson thanked the investment executive and adjunct professor for financial ethics for his contribution to the foundation’s development.

Meanwhile, the consulting giant PwC is currently trialing a blockchain-based “Smart Credentials” project for validating the qualifications of job candidates, with the objective of accelerating the selection process.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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