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Hyperledger launches community group to leverage blockchain to meet climate goals

Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 09:09 am UTC

Open-source collaborative blockchain project Hyperledger has announced a new community group that will aim to leverage blockchain technology to achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.

At the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos, Hyperledger announced the Hyperledger Climate Action and Accounting Special Interest Group (SIG) which will aim to bring its stakeholders together to examine different climate-related use cases.

According to a press release, the initial focus will be "on a global and open climate accounting system that will help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement."

Hyperledger said that it has launched the SIG to “facilitate focused technical, business and global-level conversations and projects related to appropriate use cases for blockchain and compatible emerging digital technologies across the climate sector.”

Another community group, called The Diversity, Civility and Inclusion (DCI) Working Group, has also been launched to build “a community with a culture of encouraging people to voice their diverse opinions.” With this, Hyperledger has a total of nine SIGs, including ones focused on healthcare, telecom, trade finance, supply chain, and social impact.

“The pace of innovation and the real-world impact of enterprise blockchain are top of mind for us as we head into Hyperledger Global Forum, which is just over two months away. We look forward to the role these new members and community-driven initiatives like the Climate SIG and DCI Working Group will have on the evolution and application of blockchain in the near and long term,"said Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director, Hyperledger.

Alongside the new groups, Hyperledger also welcomed six new members in its global community including Adoriasoft, Cognizant, Symbridge and the University of Hong Kong.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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