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Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler appointed as U.S. senator by Georgia governor Brian Kemp

Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 05:00 am UTC

Georgia governor Brian Kemp has selected Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler as the replacement for Senator Johnny Isakson, with the appointment coming into effect on Jan. 1.

Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler has snagged a U.S. senatorial seat after Georgia governor Brian Kemp appointed her to the position, which will be vacated by Senator Johnny Isakson by the end of the month. Loeffler’s appointment will come into effect on Jan. 1, a day after Isakson steps down.

Isakson vacating the seat stems from his poor health conditions that’s been plaguing him for some time. Although Isakson’s term will end in 2023, Loeffler will only be occupying the position until 2020.

A special election will be conducted next fall where Loeffler will have to run if she aims to serve past January 2021. In 2022, another election will be held that will give winning candidates a full six-year term.

Isakson praises Loeffler

Following the appointment, a press release was published where Isakson congratulated Loeffler. Isakson highlighted Loefller’s valuable expertise in the business sector, which he believes will help the state of Georgia and the rest of the country.

“Kelly’s business experience and acumen will be an asset to Georgia and the Senate. The same tireless work ethic that has helped her succeed in business will also help her succeed in serving Georgians and our nation. It has been the honor of a lifetime for me to serve this great state in the U.S. Senate, and my staff and I will work closely with Kelly to ensure a smooth transition,” Isakson said.

Loeffler’s appointment is both a controversial decision and a historic event. It’s controversial since U.S. President Donald Trump wanted Republican Rep. Doug Collins – a solid supporter of the POTUS – to take the position. And it’s historic given that Loeffler is the first Republican woman to serve in the U.S. Senate from Georgia, NPR reported.

Loeffler refrains from mentioning crypto

Despite Trump’s opposing views, Loeffler said in her speech that she will support the president and his platforms moving forward. Unfortunately, the Bakkt CEO didn’t mention blockchain, cryptocurrency or, digital ledger technology in her speech.

"I'm a lifelong conservative, pro-Second Amendment, pro-military, pro-wall and pro-Trump. And I make no apologies for my conservative values and will proudly support President Trump's conservative judges,” Loeffler said.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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