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Ripple improves Xpring platform to boost growth of XRP developer community

Wed, 11 Dec 2019, 08:51 am UTC

The Xpring platform has been improved by Ripple to encourage developers to build around XRP resulting in community growth.

Ripple’s investment arm, Xpring, has announced that the Xpring platform has been improved for developers looking to integrate payments into any apps. Called, this one-stop developer platform has been designed to eliminate the obstacles and provide support for wallets, Software Development Kit (SDK), XRP Ledger, and Xpring customer service.

In a blog post published on Wednesday, Dec. 11, Xpring senior vice president Ethan Beard said that this new platform will make it easier for developers to create blockchain and digital assets. Beard highlighted the wallet’s use for developers and how it can provide the necessary tools and accelerate progress.

“The first piece of major functionality we are launching on is a wallet that makes it easy to manage all the tools that are critical for developers - like those used to generate and manage account credentials, view balances, and monitor transaction history. Wallets are a critical piece of infrastructure for building on blockchain and we are excited to bring a wallet built specifically for developers. Today, the wallet supports the XRP Testnet which is ideal for developers who want to get up and running quickly,” Beard said.

Deletable Ledger Accounts

This initiative is Xpring’s attempt at enticing more developers and create a user base around XRP, Ripple’s native cryptocurrency.

The Xpring SDK is there to help developers integrate money into apps even though they’re using different platforms and other languages. The Xpring wallet itself has been built on the SDK for its functionality.

As for the XRP Ledger, it’s currently on its 1.4.0. version and is available on XRP’s Testnet and Mainnet. The new version also supports Detetable Accounts. Beard said that this is an important feature as it allows users to delete XRP Ledger accounts and recover up to 15 XRP of the base reserve while providing sustainability to millions of users.

“Xpring is committed to shipping new updates every quarter to our developer platform and the open-source projects we contribute to. We look forward to working with all developers to solve existing pain points in payments and to fuel new business models and use cases that we have yet to discover,” Beard wrote.

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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