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Environmental blockchain initiative Global Ledger gains transaction

Sun, 07 Jul 2019, 04:13 am UTC

During the recent World Economic Forum, one of the subjects that was a major focus was the environment and how blockchain can be of use to protecting and preserving it. Through the decentralized ledger technology, an initiative called Global Ledger by the Young Global Leaders (YGLs) intends to hold countries and corporations to their promises.

This is a major undertaking that will involve a substantial amount of data from numerous sources, including observation devices and digital networks, a post on the World Economic Forum site notes. Among those who will head up the project is blockchain startup Perlin co-founder Dorjee Sun. Sun assures that there will be so much data available that it will be impossible to hide the truth.

"There will be so much data they won't be able to game it," Sun said and then later adding his views on corporate and government commitments, saying, "what’s quite surprising is today there isn’t really concrete, globally accepted, standardized scientific data that can show those commitments are met."

Pelin’s partner in this initiative is Binance Charity and in a post by the philanthropic arm of the crypto firm, it was noted that the goal is for far greater accountability and transparency. By basically having a window into the activities of corporations and governments, hiding anything would be a monumental task.

Head of the Forum of YGLs, Mariah Levin elaborated on their goals with regards to their collaborations. From the outset, the intent is to build a network of connections and alliances with those that will best enable the protection of the environment in a sustainable manner.

“The Forum of Young Global Leaders seeks to create unusual alliances to establish innovative approaches for positive long-term impact. Global Ledger is a project that draws from the Forum’s platform and builds on the emerging impact of artificial intelligence and big data to protect the environment. This effort reflects the incredible potential of this community to pioneer new solutions to seemingly impossible challenges,” she said.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.