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Cardano Executive Challenges Notion of a Universal Blockchain Solution

Wed, 28 Jun 2023, 00:24 am UTC

Vice President of Engineering Stresses Diverse Use Cases and Individual Evaluations

Mel McCann, a leading executive from the Cardano Foundation and holding the prominent role of vice president of engineering, does not hesitate to give his bold thoughts on one of the most heated debates in the blockchain community - the question of the "best" blockchain.

At the Dubai World Token Summit, McCann underscored the futility of these continuous debates, emphasizing the diverse use cases of different blockchain platforms. For him, the idea of a supreme blockchain is a fallacy. The use case of a specific project inherently informs the choice of blockchain.

He draws attention to the multitude of benefits blockchain technology can offer. This is not limited to the tracking of just about anything. Proof of origin and provenance are just two examples McCann cites to showcase the many ways businesses can leverage blockchain.

He clarifies that these potential benefits do not necessarily require businesses to revamp their entire business models. On the contrary, McCann is more fascinated by pinpointing the areas where enterprises can enhance their operations through blockchain.

To him, it is not about remodeling business models; instead, he envisions a future where businesses can significantly improve their models by tapping into the possibilities of Web3.

The question of education is not far off from the discussion either. McCann recognizes its vital role in integrating enterprises into Cardano and the broader Web3 environment. He shares how the Foundation invests considerable time in direct education with enterprises.

McCann refrains from comparing the pros and cons of various blockchain platforms, insisting that each has unique use cases. Each business, according to him, should evaluate and determine which blockchain platform aligns best with their needs, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution in the world of blockchain.

In McCann's words, the notion of a universal blockchain solution simply "does not exist."

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.