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Elon Musk Agrees That Bitcoin Cash Has Certain Advantages Over Bitcoin

Thu, 25 Mar 2021, 09:39 am UTC

On Wednesday, March 24, Tesla made history in the crypto community when it announced that it now accepts Bitcoin as payment for its top-level cars.

Kim Dotcom, a German-Finnish entrepreneur and political activist (also known as Kimble or Kim Tim Jim Vestor), has commented on Musk's Wednesday tweet about opening a Bitcoin payment option on the Tesla website.

Dotcom pointed out that median transaction fees are much cheaper if you pay in Bitcoin Cash rather than Bitcoin and suggested that Musk should buy soda with BTC. Kim Dotcom stated that BCH serves the mass market, unlike Bitcoin, which is only for the top one percent.

Musk agreed to the point made by the entrepreneur.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.