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TokenPost to hold Korea’s first NFT conference: ‘BTC 2021’

Wed, 26 May 2021, 06:49 am UTC

On May 27, blockchain media outlet TokenPost is expected to hold the first iteration of ‘Blockchain Trend Conference 2021: NFT’.

The Blockchain Trend Conference (BTC) brings together experts to discuss the latest trends, developments, and use cases in the blockchain industry.

The theme of BTC 2021 is non-fungible tokens, more commonly referred to as NFTs. NFTs gained widespread attention following the recent US$ 69 million sale of the ‘Beeple’ NFT, representing a collage of digital artwork. BTC 2021 seeks to explore NFTs and how this nascent industry could shape the future to come.

Organized by TokenPost and EconoTimes, BTC 2021 will have 13 speakers, including:

  • Charles d'Haussy (Managing Director - APAC at ConsenSys)

  • David Ham (VP Strategic Relations at NEM)

  • Kristy Leigh-Minehan (CTO at NEM)

  • Jaden Yu (CIO at PUBLISH)

  • Park Jin-myoung (Development Planning Manager at CenterPrime)

  • Anthurine Xiang (CMO at QuarkChain)

Partners include ConsenSys, Xangle, BLOCKO, BLUECANVAS, and MORPHING I. Media partners include Korea Herald, inews24, News Prime, BLOCKCHAINUS, CBC News, PANews, and KFINews. Community partners include Talken, Cobak, Indigo Child, TUNAGG, and Dynasty.

The event will be held both online and offline. Due to COVID-19, the offline event will be attended by a small audience on an invite-only basis. Those unable to attend the offline event are invited to watch the YouTube Live stream. The online event is open to all and free of charge.

Interested parties may request a live event link by registering at

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Comment 14

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


Comment tips

Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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