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Klaytn officially unveils blockchain variant of Samsung Galaxy Note10, price starts at $1,050

Fri, 06 Sep 2019, 11:19 am UTC

Klaytn, a blockchain platform developed by Kakao’s blockchain subsidiary Ground X, has officially unveiled KlaytnPhone – the blockchain variant of Samsung’s flagship smartphone series Galaxy Note10.

This was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. In an official announcement dated September 06, Klaytn said that the smartphone will provide easy and seamless experience for users interacting with blockchain-powered services.

As per the details, KlaytnPhone comes with 5 pre-installed Klaytn blockchain applications (or BApps) including Antube, FitsMe, Haemuknamnyeo, Piction Network, and Womanstalk.

It also features a new digital wallet called ‘KlaytnPhone Wallet,’ which will store KLAY, the native token of the Klaytn blockchain, and KLAY compatible tokens in a secure manner. The wallet is linked with the pre-loaded Samsung Blockchain Keystore, allowing users to easily create a key storage in the Secure File system for blockchain transactions.

Last month, Samsung added support for Klaytn (KLAY) and bitcoin to Blockchain Keystore, which initially only supported ethereum.

“With the KlaytnPhone, we hope more users can more easily access and interact with blockchain-powered services. Those who have never experienced a blockchain application before can use our preloaded Klaytn BApps and send tokens via KlaytnPhone Wallet with ease,” Klaytn said.

The mobile could be purchased online at All buyers will receive 2,000 KLAY later this year, Klaytn said.

Customers can purchase KlaytnPhone in three models – Galaxy Note 10 (256 GB) priced at 1,248, 500 won (~$1050), Galaxy Note 10 Plus (256 GB) priced at around $1,170, and Galaxy Note 10 Plus (512 GB) priced at around $1,255.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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