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Crypto exchange and wallet platform Edge expands to Australia, Israel and Nordic Countries

Thu, 05 Sep 2019, 09:53 am UTC

Non-custodial crypto exchange and wallet platform Edge has released its 1.9.1 version which includes integrations with new partners: Banxa, Bits of Gold, CoinSwitch, FIO, Safello, and Tezos.

The latest update enables full-service offering usage and payment methods in new regions, allowing users to effortlessly access and trade different digital currencies. According to a press release shared with TokenPost, Edge is now available in Australia, Israel, and Nordic countries.

The integration with Banxa provides access for Australian users to convert fiat to crypto directly from their bank account. Users can now buy digital assets straight from the Edge app using POLi, an online payment network or at Newsagent Network’s more than 1,200 physical locations in Australia.

The integration with bitcoin exchange Safello provides a secure and simple means for Edge users to buy bitcoin and ethereum in Europe with credit cards, or via Swish, a Swedish bank payment method. This helps in making bitcoin on-ramping easy for users in Nordic countries and interoperable with Swedish service providers for the first time.

Bits of Gold, Israel’s largest cryptocurrency trading and brokerage platform, now allows Edge users to sell services of bitcoin and ethereum in exchange for ILS, USD and EUR. This will facilitate a swift transfer of assets to Israeli and European bank accounts from the Edge platform.

The Foundation for Interwallet Operability, FIO, allows Edge users to register simplified and easy-to-remember wallet names with this initial FIO protocol integration, using bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ether, litecoin or USDC.

“Thanks to our new partners, for the first time, Edge users can sell cryptocurrencies to Israeli bank accounts, users in Nordic countries can purchase cryptocurrencies using a Swedish payment method, and those in Australia can easily on-ramp fiat to crypto directly from their bank accounts,” Edge CEO Paul Puey, said.

The latest version also introduces a new crypto-asset, Tezos, and provides access to Coinswitch, a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator.

This enables “even more liquidity to Edge’s exchange engine, which now supports a total of eight crypto-to-crypto exchanges all over the world. As opposed to manually searching, the automated Edge exchange engine quickly matches a user’s exchange request with the best available price,” Edge said.

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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