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Brave Browser expands token tipping service to Vimeo, Reddit users

Mon, 26 Aug 2019, 08:13 am UTC

Blockchain-powered web browser Brave has expanded its crypto tipping facility to Reddit and Vimeo.

As per a Twitter announcement, the new Brave Browser version allows users to tip on both ad-free video platform Vimeo and social discussion network Reddit using Brave’s native crypto Basic Attention Token (BAT).

The new functionality has been introduced weeks after it was unveiled on micro-blogging site Twitter, following a successful service trial on its testing browser Brave Nightly.

In a blog post previously posted to explain the new feature, Brave said that users who have enabled Brave Rewards will see a new “Tip” button on each tweet when they use Twitter with the Brave desktop browser. By clicking this button, they can send any amount of BAT directly to the tweet’s author.

Basically, the feature is an extension of Brave Rewards, which already includes the capability to support web sites, YouTube creators, and Twitch streamers. Verified content creators can view the tips they received in their Brave Rewards account within minutes, with payment occurring every first week of each month. Meanwhile, tips for non-verified content creators will be held locally in the browser until they verify with Brave’s Creator program.

Other than its crypto tipping, Brave has also added support for native cryptocurrency wallets on Brave Nightly. Earlier reports reveal that the web browser provider plans to integrate Ethereum, Trezor, and Ledger wallets in its browser. The aim is to make the earing and the storage of the collected coins much easier using the browser.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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