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Winklevoss twins-owned crypto exchange Gemini expands to Australia

Thu, 22 Aug 2019, 06:24 am UTC

Winklevoss twins-owned crypto exchange and custodian Gemini announced that it will expand its services to Australia.

Following the move, Australian cryptocurrency users would be able to access the Gemini Mobile App to sell, purchase, and trade cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ether, zcoin, and litecoin. Notably, Gemini's stablecoin Gemini dollar will not be available in Australia.

Cryptocurrency is the future of money, and we’re committed to building a bridge to that future in Australia. We are thrilled to continue expanding our global footprint and give Aussies a safe and trustworthy cryptocurrency experience,” Tyler Winklevoss, CEO and Co-Founder of Gemini, said.

Boasting to have built and institutional-grade exchange and custody solution, the announcement noted that Gemini operates on the principles of security, transparency, and compliance, greatly emphasizing that “trust is our product.”

We founded Gemini to build trust in this nascent technology and we look forward to building that trust in Australia,” Tyler said.

The Australian branch is the sixth international location supported by Gemini, which includes Canada, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.

The expansion follows after Tyler and Cameron said they are willing to set aside previous legal disputes and partner with Facebook’s cryptocurrency Libra. Specifically, the duo revealed they have been in talks about joining the Libra Association, although they noted that they still need to gain in-depth knowledge about the project before signing up.

Gemini also recently announced the appointment of cybersecurity veteran David Damato as its new Chief Security Officer. The company will greatly benefit from Damato’s extensive experience in security leadership of over two decades.

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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