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BitPay allows Japanese users to spend cryptocurrency on Amazon Gift Cards

Mon, 27 Aug 2018, 11:24 am UTC

Bitcoin payments processor BitPay has announced that it will now allow Japanese users to spend cryptocurrencies on Amazon Gift Cards.

The company introduced the feature to turn bitcoin into Gift Cards nearly two years back. In 2017, it added support for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to this feature.

“We're excited to introduce gift cards for more Amazon regions around the world,” BitPay said in a blog post dated August 23. “Now, our wallet users in Japan can turn Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash into gifts cards for Japan is one of the world's hubs for cryptocurrency adoption and a top source of Copay wallet downloads.”

The company added this is just one of the ways that it is working on to make its wallet more useful for early crypto adopters.

In April, BitPay announced that it has raised $40 million in series B round led by Aquiline Technology Growth (ATG). Earlier this month, DISH announced that it is using BitPay as the payment processor for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash transactions with customers.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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