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ConsenSys unveils blockchain kit to help developers land a job

Tue, 28 May 2019, 03:32 am UTC

Ethereum development studio ConsenSys has unveiled a blockchain and decentralized application (Dapp) kit to guide developers who desire to join the burgeoning blockchain space.

The company’s Blockchain and Dapp Developer Job Kit contains everything an applicant will need to fit in the developer role. It covers basic blockchain knowledge, including consensus algorithms; miners and security incentivization; proof of work vs. proof of stake; smart contracts; transactions, gas, and gas prices; sharding; scalability trilemma; and token standards.

The kit also provides an overview of the most relevant cryptography terms and topics. It tackles public key encryption, private key encryption, key agreement/exchange, digital signatures, hash functions, ring signatures, zero-knowledge proofs, encrypted storage, elliptic curve encryption, and trusted execution environments.

Although knowledge on multiple programming languages is “nice,” the kit recommends a coding repertoire of JavaScript, Python, and Solidity. For backend/protocol on Ethereum, experiences on languages such as Go, Rust, Java, .NET, C++, and Ruby are significant.

Other than covering basic blockchain-related topics, the kit also provides information on firms that are currently hiring blockchain developers and sites where to hunt for blockchain developer openings.

Citing Linkedin’s 2018 US Emerging Jobs Report, ConsenSys noted that blockchain developers topped the professional network’s list for highest growth positions in 2018, up 33% from the previous year.

It also cited another report by PriceWaterhouseCooper that suggests that 77% of companies surveyed are on its way to releasing blockchain-based solutions and products. Only 14% of the companies revealed no plans to integrate the technology.

Meanwhile, 68% of web developers have a positive opinion on blockchain technology, with 30% of them seeing it will bring “life-changing” effects, according to a Stack Overflow’s 2019 Developer Survey.

There is indeed a growing demand for different roles in the blockchain industry. As previously reported, Facebook, which recently registered its new cryptocurrency firm Libra Networks in Switzerland, has recruited two ex-Coinbase compliance managers Mikheil Moucharrafie and Jeff Cartwright.

In addition, Fidelity Investment’s crypto custody wing Fidelity Digital Assets has posted nine vacant positions on the company’s career page. The job listings include blockchain software engineer, senior data engineer, and analysts for trade support and settlement operations.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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