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US Customs and Border Protection advisory committee to run live test of blockchain-based system

Mon, 19 Aug 2019, 04:29 am UTC

An advisory committee under the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has announced its plans to soon launch live testing of its blockchain-based intellectual rights (IPR) proof-of-concept (POC).

The details were revealed in a recently published report from the Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC), which advises the Secretaries of the Department of the Treasury and Department of Homeland Security.

COAC announced the members of Next Generation Facilitation Subcommittee, which aims to identify opportunities for enhancing the trade and government processes. The subcommittee comprises of four working groups.

One of the working groups on “Emerging Technology” has been actively involved in the POC on IPR, as per the report. COAC said:

“The working group has been active with the current POC on IPR. Since the last in person meeting in March, the working group has progressed through the overall project design, implementation of the initial engineering plan, and integration of Trade and CBP systems. Live testing of the system will start at the end of August and conclude late September.”

In addition, COAC recommended the CBP to provide a web page on its official website detailing the basic concepts and applications of blockchain technology. It also recommended that in order to encourage blockchain adoption, the CBP should strive for global data standards and protocols in line with the World Customs Organization (WCO) principles that promote “trade facilitation, transparency and compliance in the context of cargo entry, clearance/release and post entry review/audit processes.”

Cointelegraph reported that the CBP conducted a live test for a blockchain-based shipping project last year. It involved the trial of a blockchain-based platform for tracking shipments. The platform was reportedly developed by integrating the CBP’s legacy application and a blockchain-based platform built by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.