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Trading Technologies launches connectivity to bitcoin derivatives platform BitMEX

Wed, 17 Apr 2019, 11:50 am UTC

Trading Technologies (TT), a global provider of trading software, has entered into a partnership with HDR Global Trading, a Republic of Seychelles incorporated entity and the owner of bitcoin-based trading platform BitMEX.

Through this partnership, TT will offer its trading tools to cryptocurrency derivatives traders for the first time. Designed specifically for professional traders, TT incorporates a wide range of customizable tools to accommodate trading strategies ranging from manual point-and-click trading to low-double-digit microsecond automated order entry.

Formed in early 2014, BitMEX is a leading P2P crypto-products trading platform. With this partnership, TT users who are eligible to trade at BitMEX would be able to access to all BitMEX products, including its flagship XBTUSD Perpetual Swap, through the TT platform.

“BitMEX offers the most-liquid XBTUSD market in the world, with 1,500% more bitcoin to USD liquidity than any other platform,” TT said.

Rick Lane, Chairman and CEO of Trading Technologies, said that the BitMEX partnership will expand the company’s award-winning trading software to a much broader cryptocurrency market.

“We expect this partnership will grow trading volume on BitMEX, not only through our existing clients who want access to cryptocurrencies, but also through new users keen to leverage professional trading software and enjoy better trading experiences.”

Recently, Arthur Hayes, co-founder and CEO of BitMEX, revealed plans to launch a cryptocurrency options platform, Cointelegraph reported.

“We hope to possibly have our own options platform in maybe 12 to 18 months,” he said during an interview on the Venture Coinist podcast.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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