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Notcoin's Cryptic Teaser Sparks Speculation: Mining Phase Ends April 1

Tue, 26 Mar 2024, 09:52 am UTC

Notcoin's cryptic message leaves players anticipating the next phase.

Following a mysterious glitch-like teaser, Notcoin confirms the end of its mining phase on April 1. Uncertainty looms as players ponder potential airdrop or April Fools' prank.

Glitch Teaser Sparks Speculation: Notcoin's Mining Phase to Conclude on April 1

Following a glitch-like teaser earlier today, Notcoin has confirmed that the game's "mining phase" will end on April 1. However, the "glitch" has raised more questions than answers, such as if April 1 is the date of the airdrop that Notcoin players have been waiting for or if the Notcoin team is preparing for an April Fools' joke on their massive, 30-million-strong player base, as per Decrypt.

Notcoin is a viral clicker game where millions of Telegram users tap a coin graphic on their phone to earn in-game currency. Initially, it was unclear whether the in-game coins would ever be exchangeable for real cryptocurrency. Still, the team recently confirmed that an airdrop is on its way via The Open Network (TON).

When players logged into the Notcoin game on Monday, they were greeted with a strange, glitch-like graphic that said "7 days" before disappearing.

Notcoin's Cryptic Farewell: Team's Enigmatic Message Leaves Community in Anticipation

The team also shared a post in the Notcoin community channel with a clip from "Avengers Endgame, revisiting a scene from "Guardians of the Galaxy" and a note saying, "The mining phase ends on April 1." The post goes on to thank members of the Notcoin community for being a part of the ride so far in the game's typically cryptic Notcoin style.

"The team built the app, but it is you who’ve seen something," the message reads. "Something that is not fit to what one might expect. Absurd, but makes sense. That’s you who got it. That’s all you guys. Me and all the contributors are thankful for every single day and night building it for you, with you."

While none of the messaging specified when the token would be released, a Notcoin representative confirmed to Decrypt's GG that the airdrop would occur within two weeks. And while the mining phase is ending, the game is not over. After the mining phase is completed, more information about Notcoin's next phase will be released.

Photo: Notcoin/Twitter

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.