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Marseille Fos port backs blockchain project for enhanced freight logistics

Thu, 04 Apr 2019, 04:29 am UTC

The Marseille Fos port authority announced last month that it is backing a blockchain pilot project that aims to demonstrate enhanced freight logistics on the Mediterranean-Rhone-Saone (MeRS) axis.

The Port of Marseille Fos is France's leading port and the second largest Mediterranean port.

Slated to take place in June, the pilot is designated by an inter-ministry MeRS development body. According to the press release dated March 06:

“The proof of concept prototype will test the securitisation of the digital transport chain as a means of improving the fluidity, reliability and competitiveness of intermodal pre- and post forwarding on the hinterland axis.”

The blockchain solution will enable secure data sharing among various stakeholders. It will give “certified users direct access to protected documentation, enabling numerous parties to share data without the need for dedicated infrastructure,” the release said.

The pilot will be implemented by three companies – cargo tracking specialist Marseille Gyptis International (MGI); BuyCo, a collaborative platform for container shipping; and blockchain solutions specialist KeeeX.

Further expertise will be provided by consortium members which include shippers, transport companies and intermodal operators.

In addition to the Port of Marseille Fos, the pilot has also received financial support from La Banque des Territoires, a part of the public sector investment institution Caisse des Depots, and waterways authorities – Voies Navigables de France and La Compagnie Nationale du Rhone.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.