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DFINITY Founder Shares the Uncharted Intersection of Blockchain's Decentralization with AI

Fri, 04 Aug 2023, 16:50 pm UTC

Merging AI with blockchain can bolster trust, transparency, and security in AI, promoting broader acceptance.

As the relentless march of technological advancement continues, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformative innovation. However, a significant impediment to mass acceptance is the prevalent mistrust and lack of clarity surrounding AI's operations. This is where blockchain, a decentralized computing paradigm, could hold the solution, albeit with a few caveats.

Dominic Williams, the mastermind behind the DFINITY Foundation and the trailblazer of the Internet Computer, brings forth the concept of a promising intersection between AI and blockchain. This can potentially enhance their combined potential. However, a significant challenge remains: ensuring the credibility of data that trains the AI model and understanding how this data shapes the model's performance.

The merging of AI and blockchain technology could trigger a new era of technological adoption, leveraging the strengths of both paradigms. However, the primary constraint for blockchain lies in its inadequate infrastructure to support AI models, given the considerable computational demands and large datasets of AI. This limitation stems from the partial decentralization of most blockchains.

The existing attempts result in AI operating alongside, rather than within the blockchain. Most so-called "blockchain AI" projects operate on centralized servers and use plugins to connect centralized AI models to blockchains running on centralized cloud networks, bypassing the crucial issues of trust and transparency.

The advent of fully decentralized blockchains like the Internet Computer, developed by the DFINITY Foundation, could potentially turn the tide. These could allow AI models to function entirely within smart contracts, rendering model training parameters and inputs both open-source and tamper-proof. This will be viable with blockchains capable of processing data at speeds comparable to conventional clouds, a feat possible only through complete decentralization.

Hosting AI models on the blockchain could harness the inherent decentralization of blockchain to augment model transparency, thereby lending credibility, accountability, and security to AI. This paves the path for long-term success of AI integrated with blockchain by nurturing user trust.

Yet, misunderstandings about how the two technologies can effectively synergize persist, and these misconceptions need to be dispelled for AI to fully reach its potential.

TokenPost | [email protected]

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.