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Crypterium Prepaid Card Finally Available, Major Milestone In Crypto Payments

Sun, 16 Jun 2019, 22:55 pm UTC

It would appear that Crypterium finally kept its word by launching the prepaid card that it has been promising clients for a long time. With the use of this card, it becomes much easier to pay for goods using a cryptocurrency that is normally used only when converted into fiat. This basically overcomes one of the biggest hurdles that prevent cryptocurrency from becoming more widely used.

Called the Crypterium Card, the Estonian crypto converter is making the unit available for pretty much anyone to use anywhere. This means that it does not have as much of the usual regional restrictions to such cards as others like the Coinbase Card, Coindesk reports. Even with this being the case, however, it is still worth expecting that there will be some limitations.

In a recent statement, Crypterium CEO Steven Parker explained the significance of this development for not only the cryptocurrency industry but for the global economy. The cards themselves will need to be shipped to the users, which can supposedly be done regardless of where they are.

“One of the major barriers to general crypto acceptance has been the fact that it is very difficult to spend cryptocurrency in the real world, and any solutions offered so far have been confined to specific countries or retailers,” Parker said. “But the beauty of cryptocurrencies is that they are designed to be borderless and global. The Crypterium Card lives up to this borderless, global ideal: anyone can apply for one and start using their cryptocurrencies to pay for things in everyday life. This has the potential to take off as quickly as NFC.”

While the card itself has already been tested by over 5,000 customers, this was mostly confined in Estonia. Cryptocurrency might have become more widely available than it was in the past, but this doesn’t mean that it is accepted everywhere. This goes double for countries that are struggling even with basic banking sectors.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.