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MEWconnect: MyEtherWallet brings hardware wallet functionality to mobile phones

Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 08:43 am UTC

Ethereum wallet interface MyEtherWallet (MEW) is going to launch the public beta version of MEWconnect – a hardware wallet application for mobile phones.

Hardware wallets are the safest option currently available to crypto users for storing their cryptocurrency holdings. With several built-in security features and support for multiple types of cryptocurrencies, they have become quite popular, particularly among users with significant crypto holdings.

In its official release, MEW said that MEWconnet takes the place of a hardware wallet to store cryptocurrency. It is free to use, open-source and secure.

“We want to provide our users with an instant and secure way to store and exchange ETH and at the same time facilitate wider cryptocurrency adoption. We believe MEWconnect is that missing link the community has been looking for,” said Kosala Hemachandra, the founder and CEO of MEW.

MEW noted that one of the main barriers to cryptocurrency adoption is the lack of free, secure and alternative ways for users to store their private keys. MEWconnect addresses this issue by bringing hardware wallet functionality to a mobile device and enabling users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain with even more ease and technical familiarity via their mobile phone.

“Our goal is to empower cryptocurrency users to interact directly with the blockchain, while still remaining in full control of their private keys and funds,” said Hemachandra.

In addition, MEWconnect has an added 2-factor transaction verification feature, allowing users to verify the amount they are sending and to whom before signing the transaction and broadcasting it to the Ethereum blockchain.

“MEWconnect [is] a free and open-source smartphone app that brings hardware wallet functionality to your iOS and Android devices. MEWconnect establishes a secure connection between you and the blockchain while keeping your private key separate from the browser. With an added layer of security, MEWconnect puts you in total control of your assets,” the website reads.

Following the release of the beta version, MEW will launch the full version of MEWconnect after reviewing feedback and insights from the community.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.