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TradingView adds Huobi’s cryptocurrency market index ‘HB10’

Mon, 04 Mar 2019, 09:09 am UTC

TradingView, a leading financial trading charts and analysis platform, has listed Huobi's crypto-based index, HB10.

Launched in June 2018, HB10 is a tradable index product tracking the HUOBI 10 index – a composite price index that tracks 10 popular coins that are traded against USDT (USD Tether) on Huobi Pro. Soon after its launch, HB10 was added to Bloomberg Terminal.

It is the first such product listed on TradingView, Huobi said.

"As a go-to site for high-volume and API traders as well as the retail commodity, forex, and of course crypto trading community around the world, we feel TradingView is a perfect fit for HB10," said Livio Weng, Huobi Global's CEO. "We're both pleased and honoured to have ours be the first crypto fund of its kind listed there."

In addition to adding HB10, all of Huobi's coin-to-coin trading pairs have also been added to TradingView, the press release stated. Huobi said that this will provide a number of options for traders looking to get involved in arbitrage and other forms of trading.

"This is just the beginning," said Weng. "As additional coins and pairs are added to Huobi Global, they will also appear on TradingView as well."

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.