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Crypto exchange Huobi Global adds support for USDT tokens on ERC-20 protocol

Mon, 25 Feb 2019, 05:30 am UTC

Huobi Global, Huobi Group's flagship global cryptocurrency exchange, has announced that it has enabled deposit and withdrawal services for USDT in ERC-20 format, Forklog reported.

In an online post, Huobi said that users can now experience two forms of deposit and withdrawal:

USDT-Omni: It is based on the BTC network. Its deposit address is the BTC address and its deposit and withdrawal use the BTC network.

USDT-ERC20: It is based on the ETH network. Its deposit address is the ETH address and its deposit and withdrawal use the ETH network.

Earlier this month, Huobi’s U.S.-based platform, HBUS, launched USD trading pairs on its platform, allowing users to buy/sell crypto with US Dollars, and trade against Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether (USDT).

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.