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Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange lists OST token on GBX-DAX

Wed, 20 Feb 2019, 11:50 am UTC

The Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX), has added support for the OST token on its Digital Asset Exchange (GBX-DAX).

According to the official release, OST has been brought to the GBX-DAX by Sponsor Firm KR1, and represents the sixth new token that has been listed on the exchange this year after XLM, TRON, ICNQ, XRP, and EOS.

“Extending access to quality tokens has been among our core ambitions since day one, while also providing a high-powered, secure trading experience for users. The OST project is a perfect fit within these parameters, and we are excited to introduce the OST token to our growing community,” Nick Cowan, Managing Director and Founder of the GSX (Gibraltar Stock Exchange) Group Limited said.

OST (Open Simple Token) is sometimes referred to as “The Simple Token Project.” It was founded with the aim of accelerating the incorporation of blockchain technology into mainstream business practices, enabling businesses to deploy their own branded crypto-backed token economies without needing to know custom code on Ethereum smart contracts.

OST is the simple token that allows any kind of business to tokenize their assets. The OST protocol supports the token economies in mainstream consumer applications.

The GBX received its full Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Licence from the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) in November 2018. The GBX-DAX is a digital asset exchange built on institutional-grade best practices and good governance, derived from the capital markets experience gained through the GBX’s parent company, the GSX, an EU-regulated stock exchange.

“Widespread availability of OST is critical to our plans to bring blockchain to the mainstream, and for us to reach companies and developers who want to make use of the OpenST Protocol and OST software. Listing on GBX is a great step towards empowering an even broader set of mainstream businesses and consumers to embrace and benefit from blockchain,” Jason Goldberg, CEO of OST said.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.