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South Korea's TokenPost Launches Airdrop Event Page to Boost Blockchain Community Engagement

Mon, 01 May 2023, 10:22 am UTC

SEOUL, South Korea — TokenPost, a leading South Korean blockchain media outlet, announced on April 27 the launch of an "Airdrop Event" page to promote domestic and international blockchain projects and encourage community engagement.

The Airdrop Service will introduce participating projects on the TokenPost "Airdrop Event" page and through its calendar disclosure service. It is designed to energize investors and communities by providing project-related news and updates.

TokenPost's Airdrop Service currently supports networks such as Ethereum, Polygon, Klaytn, Solana, and Binance Chain, with plans to include more blockchain networks in the future.

To celebrate the launch of the airdrop page, TokenPost is hosting the "ABC Wallet X Publish Airdrop Event" from April 27 to May 31. Participants who download the ABC Wallet and enter their wallet address on TokenPost's Airdrop page will have a chance to be one of 200 people to receive "NEWS" tokens through a draw.

Established in February 2017, TokenPost is a media outlet specializing in blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It has the highest number of visitors among single blockchain media outlets and actively protects domestic investors through its "News Tip" section.

ABC Wallet, a Web3 wallet provided by AhnLab Blockchain Company, offers a safe and convenient wallet service by applying AhnLab's security technology and know-how. The wallet supports various mainnets, including Ethereum, Klaytn, Binance, and Polygon, as well as more than 300 ERC-20 tokens.

Recent updates to the ABC Wallet include an "NFT Viewer" for viewing non-fungible tokens (NFTs), an "NFT Widget" for displaying NFTs on smartphone backgrounds, and a Dapps Browser for searching decentralized applications and connecting to the wallet.

To participate in the airdrop event, users must complete TokenPost membership registration, identity verification, and download the ABC Wallet from AhnLab Blockchain Company.

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.