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Kerala Blockchain Academy joins R3 blockchain consortium as general partner

Wed, 28 Aug 2019, 04:27 am UTC

Kerala Blockchain Academy (KBA), an initiative of Government of the Indian state of Kerala under the Indian Institute of Information and Technology and Management-Kerala (IIITM-K), has been selected as a general partner for enterprise blockchain firm R3.

According to the Economic Times, KBA has already designed a developer certification program using the Corda blockchain. The program, which will be launched next month, features training on Corda App development intended for banking and technology professionals.

The recent move marks the first time for a government institution to offer a developer program on Corda blockchain in Kerala. Several local banks have also allegedly started using Corda blockchain-based platform for their core banking systems.

The news follows after R3 recently launched its “Token SDK,” a developer tool kit that enables businesses to roll out tokens on its Corda blockchain platform.

As previously reported, the SDK provides a standardized way of defining, issuing, using, and trading the tokens. It will provide financial institutions and application builders with a standard token library and consistent developer experience to issue, list, exchange, and settle digital assets on the Corda platform.

Moreover, participating enterprises can gain access to a system designed for enterprise security with settlement finality, strict privacy, and ability to utilize legal statements in smart contracts to fulfill agreements.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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