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Dash expands cryptocurrency ecosystem in Latin America via Kripto Mobile partnership

Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 04:28 am UTC

Dash, one of the top 15 cryptocurrencies by market cap, has entered into an exclusive relationship with Kripto Mobile Corporation (KRIP), a cryptocurrency-enabled mobile phone brand, to provide Latin Americans with a new, affordable way of acquiring and using cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions.

KRIP phones are available across Latin America, retailing at under $100. They come pre-loaded with a complete Dash ecosystem, including the Dash wallet, the ability to get Dash, and also spend through partner apps like Bitrefill, a leading cryptocurrency prepaid phone company.

Bradley Zastrow, Dash Core Group Head of Global Business Development, said that the partnership with KRIP will make it easy for users to “acquire, store and spend their Dash right out of the box, including the ability to access the internet, a critical first step before any cryptocurrency adoption.”

KRIP phones include a paper wallet which will come preloaded with Dash, allowing users to scan and upload into their new Dash digital wallets. Users can then use their phones to quickly and easily send or spend their Dash as they see fit, without exposing themselves to the impacts of hyperinflation, the need to physically visit bank branches, the security risks of carrying large amounts of cash, or the fees associated with fiat payments. Combined with the Caracas based Dash Help Me customer support service, KRIP phone users will also have access to a dedicated support line.

“What makes the KRIP phone so unique, beyond being a great smartphone at a good price, is that it makes this user experience a central part of using a cell phone. Right out of the box, even users who have never interacted with cryptocurrencies have everything they need, and by working closely with the Dash community and Dash Help Me, new users have the necessary support structure in place should they need assistance,” Zastrow added.

More than 800 merchants in Venezuela accept Dash at the Point of Sale and online. Dash’s InstantSend technology allows residents to pay for goods in the same time it takes a credit/debit card transaction to process, and at a fraction of the cost for the merchant. With the new KRIP phones, users will be able to take advantage of this growing ecosystem without any prior experience using cryptocurrencies in daily life.

In addition, users will also have access to Bitrefill’s service for buying digital goods such as phone refills, bill payments and gift cards for e-commerce, travel, and online games. For a limited time users paying for Bitrefill with Dash will receive a 10% discount on all purchases, the official release said.

“We are seeing an incredible transition period in Latin America with those who are unbanked, underbanked, or simply do not want to use the traditional banking system. Combining our accessible, affordable phones with Dash’s InstandSend transaction capabilities and low fees will provide a myriad of benefits to these communities. And with the addition of Bitrefill and other Dash apps, such as the Dash wallet, to our phones right out of the box, there’s simply no easier way to start using cryptocurrencies like Dash in everyday life,” Luis Sosa, KRIP co-founder, said.

KRIP and Dash Core Group will be holding monthly sweepstakes for the where KRIP users will be eligible to win Dash each month.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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