Non-profit organization Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) announced in a press release that it has joined the Blockchain Association, a blockchain advocacy group founded in 2018.
SDF said that it believes in the potential of blockchain technology to address the shortcomings of the existing financial infrastructure and make it better. The technology, it said, can build greater trust in our institutions and empower consumers.
It recognizes that this transition to a blockchain-enabled future requires collaboration with many stakeholders, from financial and government institutions to entrepreneurs and enterprises.
"That’s why we’ve joined the Blockchain Association," SDF said. "The Blockchain Association is fostering this important conversation by educating policymakers on the benefits of blockchain. While they represent the many industries realizing the value of blockchain, they understand the specific challenges and opportunities of the Stellar Development Foundation. They’ve proven a unified voice in pursuit of a digital future that’s transparent, inspiring, secure, and equitable."
As a member, the foundation said that it will work to help policymakers and influencers understand the potential of blockchain technology to enhance the current financial system.
"Together with like-minded organizations, we’ll use our collective voice to advocate for smart, effective policy that allows blockchain to thrive in the United States. We’re excited about the work we will do together with the Association and our fellow members to show how blockchain can transform the world for the better," it added.
Meanwhile, SDF is also among the founding members of Blockchain Education Alliance alongside TRON, Hedera, ICON, Ontology, Wanchain, Harmony One, Nervos, Orbs, LTO Network, Emurgo, NEM, and ETC Labs. Just recently, the alliance welcomed Binance X, Ripple’s Xpring and KuCoin as among its new members.
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