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Quant Network, Securitize and others join Hyperledger blockchain project

Thu, 28 Mar 2019, 05:30 am UTC

Hyperledger, an open source collaborative effort that aims to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies, has announced the addition of nine organizations to its cohort.

The new members include the first general members from Malaysia – ReGov Technologies Sdn. Bhd., and Saudi Arabia – Limar Global. Other general members to join include are Altavoz, Flowchain, PeerNova, Quant Network, Securitize, and Silicon Valley Bank. Associate members joining this month include Auburn University RFID Lab.

Last month, Hyperledger announced the expansion of its portfolio of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), with the addition of the Hyperledger Social Impact SIG, Hyperledger Trade Finance Special Interest Group and, Telecom SIG.

In addition, it has released two case studies – one on Walmart's unprecedented advancement of the food supply chain industry using Hyperledger Fabric, and the other on British Columbia's efforts to cut government red tape with Hyperledger Indy.

"As our Walmart and British Columbia case studies demonstrate, blockchain creates common ground for a network of stakeholders, adding value for everyone in the process. We view our community-based, open source approach in the same light, encouraging cross-industry collaboration at every turn. We welcome our newest members and look forward to their contributions to the community's efforts,” said Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director, Hyperledger.

Last October, the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), a consortium driving the adoption of Enterprise Ethereum, and Hyperledger joined each other’s organizations as Associate Members to work towards meeting global demand for enterprise blockchain.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.