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MetaMask Rectifies Fee Overestimation Issue Tied to opBNB Network

Thu, 28 Sep 2023, 08:45 am UTC

MetaMask fixes opBNB fee estimation; users advised to double-check transaction rates.

A recent problem in MetaMask had users paying more than necessary for opBNB gas fees. However, the issue has since been resolved, as confirmed by BNB Smart Chain on social media. It appears that most users opt for the default fee suggestion given in their digital wallets, which means an incorrect estimate could lead them to spend more.

OpBNB is a secondary layer of the well-known Ethereum and came to existence on September 13, developed by the creators of BNB Smart Chain. The team recently realized that MetaMask had a predetermined recommendation for gas prices, which was determined by averaging costs across various networks. While this might have worked for several Layer 2 networks, it wasn't the best fit for opBNB. The BNB team believes that opBNB's fees are often less expensive compared to many Layer 1 and Layer 2 platforms, leading to the misjudgment.

Addressing this, BNB Smart Chain reached out to MetaMask's developers. The MetaMask group, known for their cooperative approach, agreed to make necessary changes to their fee estimation method. Consequently, the digital wallet now provides a more accurate fee representation for the opBNB network. The BNB Smart Chain team encourages users to validate this by transitioning to opBNB in MetaMask and making a transaction, assuring that this platform frequently offers better rates than its rivals.

It's notable to mention that the conception of opBNB utilized the OP Stack, a versatile toolkit crafted to form compatible blockchain networks. This structure was introduced by OP Labs, a team that envisions constructing a "Superchain," a grand network of multiple integrated blockchain systems. However, they aren't alone in this vision, as the "Supernets" by Polygon also seeks to achieve a similar goal.

Notably, this MetaMask incident is a reminder of the vulnerabilities within the digital currency wallets space. Over the past few years, several mishaps with crypto wallets have resulted in losses ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.