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Manchester City announces blockchain partnership with Superbloke

Mon, 26 Aug 2019, 09:33 am UTC

Manchester City has announced its collaboration with Superbloke, a South Korean sports service developer, and named the startup as its Official Blockchain-Based Gacha Partner in Korea, Japan and South East Asia.

Superbloke is the developer of FC Superstars, a decentralized app (or dApp) that can collect and own tokens of football star players using blockchain technology.

“Superbloke has a vision to use blockchain technology to help football fans so that they can permanently own players' tokens they have collected. We expect that this partnership with Manchester City will be the first step to get closer to our vision,” Superbloke chief strategy officer Nak-Hyoung Kim said.

As part of the alliance, Superbloke will incorporate City players into FC Superstars, which will enable fans to combine their support for the Club with online gaming experiences. Using real-life match stats and in-game training, the online game allows users to build a “digital team” by collecting, training and growing specially designed Manchester City digital player cards.

Damian Willoughby, senior vice president of partnerships for City Football Group, touted the partnership as an “exciting milestone” in City’s growing relationship with gaming.

“This new partnership… will create unique experiences for fans to engage with the Club through digital platforms,” he said. “We look forward to welcoming Superbloke to the Manchester City family and growing our knowledge of this developing industry through this partnership.”

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.