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fATFI Introducing Fatfi (FAT) Token Sale On GUM Pad

Mon, 15 Mar 2021, 09:11 am UTC

DeFi ecosystem Fatfi announced their first IDO on GUM Pad: Fatfi — DeFi Services Hub with Algorithm Stablecoin.

The token sale will be made in the form of Gum Holder Offering with 2 pools.

The first pool will be for the top 50 GUM Holders. They are the strongest holders of GUM, with the highest hold score as calculated follows the formula here.

The top 15 holders will have an allocation of 1.786 BNB, the holders ranking from 16–30 will have allocations of 1.0714 BNB , and the holders ranking from 31–50 will have allocations of ~ 0.714 BNB. In case that these strong holders do not sign up for buying, the rights to participate will be passed down to others in the top 100 wallets with the highest GUM Hold score.

The second pool will be for GUM holders and Liquidity Providers, with a minimum holding of/liquidity providing on Uniswap that equal to 2,000 GUM (at least 3 days before the IDO date).

Click 'Read More' for more details.


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