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Charles Hoskinson Believes One Person Fits Profile Of Satoshi Nakamoto

Mon, 25 Jan 2021, 09:48 am UTC

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson believes that only one person fits the profile of the mysterious Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.

In a surprise Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on YouTube, Hoskinson reveals that he has narrowed down his search to one person who he believes is the only individual that fits the part.

“I’ve been very vocal lately on this. I think that first, it doesn’t matter but second, it’s probably Adam Back. If you look at the preponderance of the evidence, Occam’s razor applies and the most likely answer usually is, and there’s no mystique or magic there but he just fits the profile. You’re looking for somebody who’s in their 40s to 50s who created Bitcoin in 2008. That would fit Adam. English education, grammar, all that stuff, the right computer science background, exactly the right credentials you’d look for. You probably can get pretty far with code stylometry towards validating that.”

Adam Back is the co-founder and chief executive of blockchain technology company Blockstream. He is also a longtime cypherpunks member and is referenced in the Bitcoin whitepaper.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.
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